CHEO Autism services
CHEO offers a range of services for all children, youth and families living in Ontario with a diagnosis of Autism. Supports like Foundational Family Services, Social Skills Groups and Parent Resources are available free of charge. New topics and dates are regularly added. To learn more, join the mailing list or register, visit our Autism services page or 613 737 7600 ext. 7770.
Autism Orientation Session
Orientation session about available services and resources for parents of a child with a recent Autism Spectrum Disorder diagnosis. To register parent, please contact a Family Resource Worker at 613-737-0871 extension 4419.
Speech and language therapy
Eligible for speech and language therapy until the child is of age to enter Senior Kindergarten. If there is a need for speech and language therapy at time of referral to the Development and Rehabilitation program at CHEO, children are
placed on the wait-list for this service. To confirm your child is on the wait-list, please contact either the Development and Rehabilitation program Kanata site at 613-831-5098, or the Smyth site at 613-737-0871.
For school age children: SLP offered by School Board speech and language therapy services.
Occupational therapy
Children are eligible for occupational therapy until the child enters Junior Kindergarten. If there is a need for occupational therapy at time of referral to the Development and Rehabilitation program at CHEO, children are placed on the wait-list for this service. To confirm your child is on the wait-list, please contact either the Development and Rehabilitation program Kanata site at 613-831- 5098, or the Smyth site at 613-737-0871.
For school age children: Referral to School-based Rehabilitation Services – CHEO.
Children are eligible for physiotherapy until the child enters Junior Kindergarten. If there is a need for physiotherapy at time of referral to the Development and Rehabilitation program at CHEO, children are placed on the wait-list for this
service. To confirm your child is on the wait-list, please contact either the Development and Rehabilitation program Kanata site at 613-831-5098, or the Smyth site at 613-737-0871.
For school age children: Referral to School-based Rehabilitation Services – CHEO.
Infant and child development services
Early intervention strategies to parents offered in play groups and/or in-home visit. If there is a need for Infant and Child Development Services at time of referral to the Development and Rehabilitation program at CHEO, children are
placed on the wait-list for this service. To confirm your child is on the wait-list, please contact either the Development and Rehabilitation program Kanata site at 613-831-5098, or the Smyth site at 613-737-0871. Only for children under 6 years of age, not attending licensed child care or school.
Social work services
Supportive and counselling services intended to provide information about your child’s diagnosis, help you to understand the services available, and plan the next steps for your family. To self-refer call the on-call social worker (613-737-0871 Ext 0).
Respite program
Preschool Program: Saturday program for children 3 to 5 years old. School Aged Respite Program: 4 week sessions on Sundays for children between the ages of 6-18.
To register, parent(s) can contact the CHEO Development and Rehabilitation program at 613-737-2757.
Assessment and consultation sessions to address nutritional concerns. If there is a need for nutrition services at time of referral to the Development and Rehabilitation program at CHEO, children are placed on the wait-list for this service. To confirm your child is on the wait-list, please contact the Development and Rehabilitation program Smyth site at 613-737-0871 extension 4330.