CHEO's Aakuluk Children’s clinic provides care to children from Nunavut. Our program provides a full range of services for children from Nunavut with medical complexity who fulfill the referral criteria (see below) ages 0-17. We are located in Clinic 1 on the main floor of CHEO's main campus.
Sign up for MyChart to access your CHEO health record anywhere, any time.
MyChart is a secure, online patient portal that connects you to parts of your CHEO electronic health record and allows you to send two-way secure communication to your care team, complete any questionnaires your care team sends and much more.
To learn more about MyChart and sign up, visit our MyChart page and fill out the MyChart Access Request Form.
Looking for more resources or supports for Indigenous children and youth?
Visit our Indigenous peoples resource and support page to find helpful websites, local contacts, videos and more.
Make a referral
Our clinic is now accepting e-referrals with Ocean!
If you’re already on Ocean, look us up via your account by searching "CHEO".
If you don’t yet have an Ocean account, no problem - signing up is free.
You can also mail or fax a referral to:
Aakuluk Children’s clinic, Clinic 1, CHEO
401 Smyth Road
Ottawa ON K1H 8L1
Phone: 613-737-7600