Last updated: March 2025
Who can register?
- Children and youth in Ontario with a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and their parents/caregivers.
In-person services
Looking for more in-person services and groups? Check out the virtual and hybrid services section below.
Many Social Skills Groups below have virtual or in-person dates to choose from, taking place this summer in Ottawa and surrounding areas.
3-part social skills training for children and youth |
Join our in-person Social Skills groups to learn and practice a variety of Foundational Social Skills in a fun, group setting! Groups will be running on Saturdays. Using strategies grounded in Applied Behaviour Analysis, skills such self-care, understanding body language, conversation skills, group participation, and much more will be practiced! In addition, the Accept, Identify, Move curriculum will be incorporated into these group sessions to support social emotional development in participants through the use of mindfulness, acceptance and behaviour analysis. We offer social skills in-person groups on Saturdays. They will be facilitated by our expert instructor therapists in a small group ratio of 3 children to one facilitator. What to expect: By clicking an option below, you are expressing your interest in having your child/youth join one of our in-person groups! If you select an in-person group, you will be contacted by one of our Therapists to complete our group screening – we want to make sure your child/youth is matched to a group that will be a best fit! See available dates and register Having troubles viewing this form? We recommend you open it using Chrome or Firefox on your laptop, tablet or mobile device. |
Virtual and hybrid services
Many of our groups below have both virtual or in-person dates to choose from, taking place in Ottawa and surrounding areas this summer.
Caregiver support
Autism and Mental Health Service Navigation |
New to Autism? Connect 1:1 with our Intake Team to discuss your children/youth’s unique Neurodevelopmental and Mental Health needs, access available resources in our region, and learn about next steps in supporting your child! What to expect: you will receive a 1:1 virtual or phone intake call with a Intake Worker, where your child’s unique Neurodevelopmental and Mental Health needs will be explored and you will be matched with your next step to supports and services. |
Journeys |
Whether you are the parent of a child newly diagnosed with autism or a family currently receiving services (at CHEO or another care provider), you are not alone in your journey. Join CHEO's Neurodevelopmental Health Patient and Family Advisory Committee (NDH PFAC) to discover autism resources, build your network, and hear from other families going through the same experience as you. Recommended ages: Parents of children of all ages You’re invited to join Neurodevelopmental Health’s virtual Journeys event on December 5, 2024 from 7-8 p.m. |
Clinic Day |
Are you a caregiver of a child or youth diagnosed with ASD? Are you looking for an opportunity to meet with one of our Instructor Therapists? Our clinic days provide you with a chance to consult about a specific behavioural skill, make personalized visual supports (e.g. visual schedules, token boards, PECS icons, etc.), or learn about the Foundational Family Services workshops and groups that best address your goals and needs. All appointments are virtual. Recommended for: Parents of children/youth of all ages |
Education sessions
Learn how to support your child or youth in specific areas like daily routines, toilet training and returning to the school environment. Each education session will take place virtually using Zoom. After some of our education sessions you will have the option to schedule a 1:1 consultation session to discuss your specific goals with one of CHEO’s ABA-trained clinicians.
See available dates and register
Anxiety |
Change is OK: Teaching Change to those with ASD |
From day to day changes to upcoming significant changes, learning to navigate and cope with changes can be challenging. Learn how to apply ABA strategies to help support your child/youth through changes and transitions. Learn different strategies to teach that change is okay! This Workshop includes a 1:1 individualized consultation post workshop attendance. Recommended for: Parents of children/youth of all ages See available dates and register Having troubles viewing this form? We recommend you open it using Chrome or Firefox on your laptop, tablet or mobile device. |
Communication |
Learn how to set up communication opportunities in your home, how to respond when your child or youth is frustrated and how to reinforce communication attempts. Recommended for: parents with children who are starting to learn to communicate See available dates and register Having troubles viewing this form? We recommend you open it using Chrome or Firefox on your laptop, tablet or mobile device. |
Community safety |
Learn how to identify possible risks and dangers that may exist in the community for your child/youth and explore various strategies that you can employ to promote safety when out and about.
Recommended for: parents of children of all ages See available dates and register Having troubles viewing this form? We recommend you open it using Chrome or Firefox on your laptop, tablet or mobile device. |
Daily living routines |
Learn how to use visual tools to support your child/youth with common daily routines such as teeth brushing or getting dressed.
This workshop includes a 1:1 consultation, post work shop attendance, which will provide you with a personalized visual to support your child/youth to be successful with one identified routine of your choice. Recommended for: parents and children of all ages See available dates and register Having troubles viewing this form? We recommend you open it using Chrome or Firefox on your laptop, tablet or mobile device. |
Emotional regulation |
Exchanging Pictures as Communication |
If you have attended our Communication workshop and have decided that using pictures to communicate is the right fit for your child and family then this workshop can help to address the basic information you need to teach this skill at home. Concepts such as what the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) is, when to teach, and how to teach will be presented in a parent-friendly manner. We will also discuss managing challenging behaviour while communicating and recommendations for creating picture materials at home. Recommended for: Parents of children who plan to use pictures to communicate |
Expanding communication |
In this session you will learn strategies for expanding your child/youths communication repertoire at home. We will explain strategies to teach responding to yes/no questions, using sentences, asking for help, and asking WH- questions. If your child or youth is already able to communicate their basic needs and wants then this workshop is for you. Recommended for: Parents of children of all ages See available dates and register Having troubles viewing this form? We recommend you open it using Chrome or Firefox on your laptop, tablet or mobile device. |
Female puberty |
A safe, fun, and interactive way for your pre-teen/teen to learn about bodily changes before and during the puberty process. Recommended for: parents and teens age 12+ See available dates and register Having troubles viewing this form? We recommend you open it using Chrome or Firefox on your laptop, tablet or mobile device. |
Home safety |
Learn how to identify possible risks and dangers that may exist at home for your child/youth and explore various strategies you can use to promote a safe environment. Recommended for: parents of children of all ages See available dates and register Having troubles viewing this form? We recommend you open it using Chrome or Firefox on your laptop, tablet or mobile device. |
Increasing cooperation at home |
Introduction to ABA |
Learn about the basic principles of Applied Behaviour Analysis and how to use these strategies to support your child/youth in your home and the community.
This workshop is a three part series and we strongly recommend you attend all parts. Recommended ages: parents of children of all ages See available dates and register Having troubles viewing this form? We recommend you open it using Chrome or Firefox on your laptop, tablet or mobile device. |
Introduction to ASD |
This workshop is geared for parents and caregivers of children/youth with a new diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder. It provides an overview of the characteristics of ASD, tips on sharing the diagnosis, planning for services and other resources. Recommended for: Parents/caregivers of children/youth with a new diagnosis of ASD See available dates and register Having troubles viewing this form? We recommend you open it using Chrome or Firefox on your laptop, tablet or mobile device. |
Male puberty |
A safe, fun, and interactive way for your pre-teen/teen to learn about bodily changes before and during the puberty process. Recommended for: Boys age 12+ with parent or caregiver support if required See available dates and register Having troubles viewing this form? We recommend you open it using Chrome or Firefox on your laptop, tablet or mobile device. |
Online safety |
Food Selectivity |
This workshop discusses why your child/youth may have a limited food repertoire and explores strategies to improve your child’s ability to tolerate a variety of foods. Recommended for: parents of children of all ages See available dates and register Having troubles viewing this form? We recommend you open it using Chrome or Firefox on your laptop, tablet or mobile device. |
Reducing screen time |
Are you struggling to get your child/youth off of screen time? Would you like your child/youth to engage in activities other than computers and phones? Join us for this workshop that examines screen time usage in children/youth and presents strategies to reduce screen time and increase participation in other leisure activities. This is a two part workshop. Part 1 includes a presentation from one of our therapists. In Part 2 we will ask for your active participation as we help you to develop a family plan to reduce screen time in your home. Recommended for: Parents and children/youth of all ages. |
Sexuality and your teen |
Designed for parents of teens, this workshop will explore the developmental stages of sexuality with special focus on how to talk to your teen(s) diagnosed with ASD. Recommended ages: parents of teens 13+ See available dates and register Having troubles viewing this form? We recommend you open it using Chrome or Firefox on your laptop, tablet or mobile device. |
Teaching social communication skills at home |
In this session you will learn strategies for teaching social communication skills at home. We will teach you how to use the Behavioural Skills Training method to teach a variety of social skills and provide ideas on how to support social skills during playdates and/or group hangouts. If your child or youth is able to communicate using complete questions and can respond to "wh" questions then this workshop is for you! Recommended for: Parents of children of all ages |
Teen life skills |
Learn how to effectively increase your teen’s skill and independence with a variety of self-help and daily living skills, including personal hygiene, daily routines, chores and more! Recommended for: parents and teens age 13+ See available dates and register Having troubles viewing this form? We recommend you open it using Chrome or Firefox on your laptop, tablet or mobile device. |
Toileting |
Learn how to implement a toileting plan to address both urine and bowel movements. Get tips and strategies to address potential barriers that may arise. Recommended for: parents of children of all ages See available dates and register Having troubles viewing this form? We recommend you open it using Chrome or Firefox on your laptop, tablet or mobile device. |
Transition to adulthood |
Transitioning to adulthood is a process that requires planning and preparation. This 2-part series is for teens and parents and covers a variety of topics related to preparing your teen to become an adult. Part 1 discusses concerns and challenges facing youth and provides ideas on how to promote independence using ABA strategies. In part 2, we will share tips for what makes for a good transition including samples for completing paperwork, while also reviewing resources (e.g.; apps, community and provincial resources) available for young adults with ASD and their families. Recommended for: parents and teens See available dates and register Having troubles viewing this form? We recommend you open it using Chrome or Firefox on your laptop, tablet or mobile device. |
Managing Transitions |
This workshop explores strategies you can use to set your child up for success during daily transitions including between activities, across environments, and between people. Recommended for: Parents of children of all ages See available dates and register Having troubles viewing this form? We recommend you open it using Chrome or Firefox on your laptop, tablet or mobile device. |
School readiness services
New to school |
Learn the important steps as you prepare for your child’s transition into the world of “school” for the first time. We will provide you with ways that you can support your child to be prepared for school entry through skill building at home. A 1:1 consultation is included with this workshop. Recommended ages: all ages See available dates and register Having troubles viewing this form? We recommend you open it using Chrome or Firefox on your laptop, tablet or mobile device. |
Social skills groups
Chill & chat - youth drop ins |
Join us for a fun, safe, and interactive online youth drop-in group. In this 60-minute session, youth will get to play online games, chat about cool topics, and meet new friends. Come hang out with us!
Age 5-8 See available dates and register Age 9-12 See available dates and register Age 13+ See available dates and register Having troubles viewing this form? We recommend you open it using Chrome or Firefox on your laptop, tablet or mobile device. |
Understanding my Autism | ||||||
Have you discussed your child's ASD diagnosis with them? Do they have questions or want more information? Then this workshop is for them! This three-part series is designed to explain ASD to your child/teen and also gives them the space to meet peers with the same diagnosis. The first two parts are held virtually and the third part is an optional in-person hangout Recommended for: children/youth with ASD diagnosis |
Cooperative Adventures |
Join us for this virtual 4-part series where your child will work with peers as a team to go on adventures and solve missions by making group decisions. This program teaches children the art of decision making, how to handle conflict/disagreement, and emotional regulation strategies in an interactive group setting. Recommended for: Children ages 7-10 years |
Great Adventures |
Join us for an hour of virtual adventures, exploration, activities and games! We will learn more about the world around us, while having fun playing virtual games and practicing your conversation skills! Recommended for: Children ages 5-8 years See available dates and register Having troubles viewing this form? We recommend you open it using Chrome or Firefox on your laptop, tablet or mobile device. |
Let's Play Together |
Play is essential for development in the early years as it helps children develop cognitively, physically, socially, and emotionally. This series discusses the different types of play and how to set up for a successful play session with your child. This workshop is run as a 2-part series with focus on an introduction to play, imitation play, and cooperative play. Topics will include the early stages of play, the importance of teaching imitative play skills, the stages of social play, and the importance of playing with others. Sample games and activities will be suggested. Optional consultations (up to 3) will be offered in-home or in-centre following this workshop where you will have the opportunity to engage in a variety of play activities with your child. Recommended for: Parents and children aged 0-5 years Having troubles viewing this form? We recommend you open it using Chrome or Firefox on your laptop, tablet or mobile device.
Maker Space |
Join us this summer for exciting sessions of creativity and building! We will gather together to work on fun projects while sharing ideas, equipment and knowledge! MakerSpace is a place for hands-on learning with all the tools for creativity. Follow along while we work together to build simple projects, all the while allowing for each participants individual creativity to shine! Take home kits including required materials will be available for pick up. Recommended for: Youth ages 9-12 years See available dates and register Having troubles viewing this form? We recommend you open it using Chrome or Firefox on your laptop, tablet or mobile device. |
Social skills training for youth (3 parts) |
Supporting siblings |
Tips for teens |
In these groups teens will be exposed to a variety of topics from dating to cooking, employment to staying home alone, and more. Thrown into the mix will be interaction and conversations between peers & facilitators as well as some games related to the topic at hand. Recommended for: 13+ See available dates and register Having troubles viewing this form? We recommend you open it using Chrome or Firefox on your laptop, tablet or mobile device. |
Sleep support services
Discovering the CHEO Sleep Lab Experience (Collaboration with CHEO sleep lab) |
This service is for families who are scheduled for a CHEO sleep lab appointment and would like support in learning about what to expect and how to prepare. Recommended ages: all ages Dates: Booked in tandem with your CHEO sleep lab appointment. |
Sleep solutions workshop and consult |
Has your child recently developed new sleep issues? During this session you will learn about healthy sleep cycles and the factors that can make it hard for children and youth with ASD to sleep. You will also learn basic sleep strategies and discover behavioural supports to help your child sleep better at night. See available dates and register Having troubles viewing this form? We recommend you open it using Chrome or Firefox on your laptop, tablet or mobile device. |
Do you have an idea for a Foundational Family Service we should offer?
Please email and tell us about it!