Randy’s journey with CHEO started in 2011 as a cleaner in Environmental Services, but his connection to CHEO goes beyond that. At three years old, Randy came to CHEO for a near-deadly case of chicken pox.
While the pox was no match for Randy, it unfortunately caused him to develop Type 1 diabetes, which runs in his family. For 15 years, Randy came to CHEO every six months for appointments until he turned 18. All the time he spent at the hospital played a huge part in his calling to work at CHEO.
“When I started working here, there were still a few members of my old nursing team from the endocrinology department that recognized me, like Nikki. A few years ago, I waved to her and said, “Hi Nikki!” She stopped and looked at me and said “Randy is that you? Oh my god, Randy, you're huge!”
Having spent so much of his own life at CHEO, first as a patient then as a staff member, Randy loves that he can give back to the place that took such good care of him and hopefully, do the same for someone else. And while he was content to be a cleaner, his real dream was to become a Health Care Aide in the operating room. With the help of the Personal Support Worker (PSW) Challenge fund, a government sponsored program, he was able to make his dream a reality and complete the PSW program at Herzing College.
Today, Randy works exactly where he dreamed – the operating room/perioperative services – and is proud to call CHEO his place of work.
CHEO is filled with dedicated people like Randy. Join Randy and our other health care aides.