Last week was Kindness Week (February 17 to 21) — a time to show appreciation and add to the happiness of people around you. While little acts of kindness were happening all over the world, one very big act of kindness was happening on CHEO's oncology unit — our community banded together to support Ollie and search for his beloved stuffed animal, Llama Llama Blue Pajamas.
Here’s a touching message from Ollie’s mom, Dawn, as she reflected on how much these little acts of kindness meant to her family:
“Since November 2019 when our 7-year-old son Ollie was diagnosed with lymphoma, we have been surrounded by kindness and support everywhere we turn. Meal trains, chauffeuring our daughter to events and lessons, the school and church holding events in honor of Ollie and benefiting CHEO, and last week a veritable army of strangers trying to help us find a lost stuffed llama.
The night before Ollie’s first round of chemo, his 11-year-old sister Abby bought Llama Llama Blue Pajamas — wherever Ollie went, Llama Llama Blue Pajamas was sure to be nearby. Sadly, about two weeks ago after another lumbar puncture, Llama Llama Blue Pajamas went missing. So I sent a tweet to CHEO about Llama in hopes maybe someone had found him. To my great surprise, this message got retweeted many times and seemed to resonate with people. The next thing I knew, everyone was looking at CHEO and scouring online shopping sites, offering to buy a new Llama for Ollie and even tweeting Shoppers Drug Mart who tweeted back that they had found another and would send him STAT! It even caught the attention of the local media who interviewed Ollie and I and promoted our upcoming stem cell swabbing event with Canadian Blood Services at Notre Dame High School on March 5.
In the end we have received two identical replacement llamas, some new little llama friends, a gigantic bear and lots of games to distract him and lots of amazing messages of support. The staff at CHEO also treat him like a celebrity and many who have been taking care of us just stop by on their break to congratulate him and see if Llama has been found. At a time when kindness often seems in short supply in the world we are grateful to see that there is still humanity and compassion everywhere.”
Across our city, people heard Dawn’s call and did whatever they could to help bring a smile to Ollie’s face. CHEO staff have been looking in cupboards and laundry bins, Health Linen Services is on high alert and many replacements have been sent. The search for the original Llama Llama Blue Pajamas continues, but in the meantime we know Ollie is in good hands, living his best life and surrounded by his new stuffed friends.
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