Patient Declaration of Values
A Patient Declaration of Values serves as a guide for how we plan to achieve true partnership among children, youth, families, caregivers and staff. It is our commitment to care.
This is how care at CHEO should feel:
We are honest and trust each other. We protect privacy. We are sensitive to everyone's life experiences by respecting culture and differences.
We communicate in a clear, meaningful and timely way. We create a safe space to express personal and differing views, ask questions and share feedback. We talk to our audiences in their preferred language and format.
We work together in an honest, purposeful and fair way to benefit everyone. We include everyone's input in all parts of our work.
We support each other's needs. This includes physical, developmental, social, emotional, mental and spiritual needs. We provide a place to learn and grow together, and partner on shared goals. Safety is always a top priority.
This video demonstrates what being a Partner in Health should feel like at CHEO.
Give us your feedback
As a partner in health, we rely on your feedback. Please tell us about your experience: (613-737-7600 extension 3078)